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New: Create tasks with automations

When you accept a request to serve, you often aren’t just committing to showing up in a certain place at a certain time — you're also committing to doing specific tasks.

Similarly, when certain things happen in Planning Center, you or someone on your team might need to take a follow-up action. For example:

  • When someone registers for the Christmas concert, you need to assign their seats.
  • When someone joins the group for your membership class, you need to add them to the course website.
  • When someone is added to the security team, you need to order a background check.
  • When someone gives for the first time, you want to send them a personal thank-you note.

Workflow automations are great for adding someone to a multi-step process based on their activity. But what about when there's just one thing you need to do, the items aren't linear, or the to-dos are more related to an event than a person? Enter task automations!

From your event, group, team, Giving settings, form, or list, you can create an automation that adds a task in Home.

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This task can land on any of your personal task lists, or you can add it to someone's inbox. For example, when someone fills out your connection card form, the automation can add a task for your communities pastor to send them a personal email. Or, when someone accepts a request to serve as the producer on the A/V team, the automation can add a task for them to create slides for the service.

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